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The Way Forward (S1EP07)


In Episode 7 we review the reasons for the first four foundational episodes: Intention, Inspiration, Inner Listening and Big Vison; True Vision.

When your vision begins to come into focus, you are faced with the question: How to do I execute on this vision? Then most of us confront the obstacles and the reasons why we can’t pursue and achieve this vision. Here we can easily get stuck or worse, give up. But what you need to know is the obstacle is the way! (More to come on that in a future episode.)

The first critical step is an awareness of what those obstacles are, why they are here and how we can best respond to them. When we begin to discover the answers to these questions, we are often led to what needs to change in our lives.

This process help to better understand Socrates when he says, “a life unexamined is not worth living.” He chose death over exile. Here we choose a life of inspired living and true freedom over a life lived from the ordinary “small self” and not the extraordinary “higher self.”

Now the beginning of the path and the way forward begins to emerge!


 What We Cover:

  • Mark reviews the four cornerstones of an inspired life: Episodes 1 through 4

  • How we often need to change things in our life to achieve our vision

  • Realizing that we can’t expect to keep doing the same things and expect different results. Didn’t Einstein say “That’s the definition of insanity?”

  • Examples of how Mark and Aries changed certain habits that weren’t supporting their vision

  • How Mark moved forward on the beginning of his vision through his intention and intuition

  • The power of affirmations and how to know which ones will work for you

  • Being aware of and addressing the obstacles that might be in the way of your vision

  • Questioning our own thoughts and beliefs about ourselves. Asking, is this true?

  • Key drivers that often need to change for you to achieve your vision

- Time: Deconstructing and becoming aware of how you are spending your time.

- Energy: Understanding what gives you energy and what depletes your energy.

- Unique ability: What is it and how to discover it for yourself.

- Relationships: Know those around you that serve and support your vision, or those that don’t support your vision.

- Money: Your relationship to it and how it is only one of many resources that can support your vision.

  • Personal development is key. We all must focus on our growth in all areas of our life

  • Deep knowing, not academic learning, is one key to a life of health, wealth and happiness

The Resources:

The Bonuses:

  • The HWPH Top Five Jim Rohn Quotes

Never miss an episode by subscribing to Health, Wealth and the Pursuit of Happiness on your favorite podcast platform: Apple, Google, Android, Spotify, RSS

Aries Gets Life Planned (S1EP06)


In Episode 5 Mark gets life planned by Aries. In Episode 6, the tables are turned and Aries gets life planned by Mark. Same discovery process but different tools and a different advisor. No two clients and no two advisors are alike. Each come into the self-discovery and exploration process with different strategies and intuitive leanings. It’s interesting to hear both styles and approaches used by Aries and Mark. Equally interesting are the tools used and the type of answers these different tools can deliver.

Note to audience: In this role play, Mark takes time to read the questions and asks Aries to read his answers. Normally, we would simply ask the client to share how as the experience completing the exercise and what did you discover in the answers? Mark additionally adds commentary and as such, takes on a more instructional tone. Actual meetings are far more upbeat and high energy as we get connected to an emerging vision for the client.


 What We Cover:

  • Mark role plays as the life planner and Aries as the client

  • We demonstrate asking open ended questions leading to meaningful sharing

  • The Three Questions and Heart’s Core Grid tools

  • The idea and the importance of legacy for Aries

  • Life design ideas that Aries would implement if he had the money he needed

  • What’s most important to Aries when he learns in question 3, he has 24 hours to live

  • How one’s vision continues to evolve with more inner work and self-actualization

  • The beginning stages of vision development

  • How Mark paint’s the picture for Aries through the delivery of a Torch Statement

The Resources:

The Bonuses:

  • The Three Questions by The Kinder Institute

  • The Heart’s Core Grid by The Kinder Institute

Never miss an episode by subscribing to Health, Wealth and the Pursuit of Happiness on your favorite podcast platform: Apple, Google, Android, Spotify, RSS

Mark Gets Life Planned (S1EP05)


To live this idea of a more inspired life, we must start with intention. We must also understand that what truly inspires us is of Spirit. Knowing this we must develop the ability to listen to our Spirit; that voice from the depths our soul. True Vision and Big Vision emanates from this Spirit-led understanding and realization.

In this episode, Aries, sits in the advisor seat and through a role-playing exercise, takes Mark through the exploratory and vision stage of the life planning process. Using the Wheel of Life tool, he helps Mark gain greater clarity of himself and of his vision. Ultimately helping him discover who he wants to be, what he wants to do and have. Here you can observe and discover how this exploration process works and how Mark’s vision unfolds.

 What We Cover:

  • Mark and Aries role play between the life planner and the client

  • How we demonstrate the use of two of our planning tools with clients

  • What the client experience is like going through the exploration stage

  • How the client can progress and evolve through the discovery process

  • The power of asking questions and listening with a deep focus and presence

  • The Wheel of Life tool providing the basis for meaningful conversation

  • How this meaningful conversation can lead to further clarity on the part of the client

  • When the client has more clarity, greater conviction and energy follow

  • With conviction emboldened and energy increasing, confidence is rising

  • With rising confidence and greater clarity, we begin seeing solutions to perceived obstacles 

  • The topic of money and our relationship with money

  • Mark relates his experience if not being able to attain the dream home in his life plan and how he’s dealing with it

  • Through the role playing, we learn how Mark is evolving this vision for the home of his dreams through a changing perspective

  • Real life examples of struggle through obstacles and opening up to new possibilities

The Resources:

The Bonuses:

Never miss an episode by subscribing to Health, Wealth and the Pursuit of Happiness on your favorite podcast platform: Apple, Google, Android, Spotify, RSS

True Vision. Big Vision. (S1EP04)


Vision, in the context of what we are describing in this episode, is by definition something seen in the mind’s eye. If it’s Spirit-led, conveying a revelation or picture of a thought, concept, or object and is accompanied by strong feelings and emotions, it will lead to the manifestation of what you are envisioning. That is the ultimate power of what we refer to as a True Vision. The key to a Big Vision is it must be so much larger than you, yourself.


 What We Cover:

  • How Intention, Inspiration and Inner Listening lead up to a True Vision. A Big Vision

  • Vision is a combination of heart and mind

  • Knowing your “Why”

  • A description of Vision and what it entails

  • What do we mean by “True” and “Big” Vision?

  • Something bigger than our ourselves

  • Ego vs. Spirit vision

  • Tools we use to help folks build a True Vision, a Big Vision.

  • How the tools bring an awareness of where we are today

  • How the tools help us discover more about who we are and why we’re here

  • How the tools can help us “crack the code” for a more inspired life

  • Vision is about having belief

  • Self-discovery tools:
    - Wheel of Life tool
    - The Three Questions
    - Heart’s Core Grid
    - Visualize Your Future

The Resources:


The Bonuses:

  • Inspired Living Workbook #1
    (Includes referenced self-discovery tool: The Wheel of Life tool, The Three Questions and the Heart’s Core Grid.)

Never miss an episode by subscribing to Health, Wealth and the Pursuit of Happiness on your favorite podcast platform: Apple, Google, Android, Spotify, RSS

Inner Listening (S1EP03)

Inner Listening.png

What do we mean by inner listening? In this Podcast we refer to it as the way one accesses the “voice” of their inner being. It is the essence of who we are and here we explore its role in living an inspired life of connection to your true nature and that of others. Inner listening is both a skill and an art. Having it allows you to know the distinction between the voice of “self” and the voice of “spirit.”


What We Discuss:

  • We are spiritual beings in a human body. Not the other way around

  • The voice we all have inside

  • What do we mean by inner listening?

  • Inner listening as being present in the moment with someone

  • Being open to listening

  • Inner listening and prayer

  • Listening by being alone, quiet and open

  • Your inner voice like a radio frequency

  • Inner listening and connection and a car battery

  • Dealing with the distractions of life

  • Too wrapped up in self and dealing with some big, dramatic,
    egocentric story

  • Coming back to the breath

  • The “stop, drop and roll” exercise to stop the growing momentum of thought

  • Distinguishing between the voice of self and the voice of your spirit and inner being

  • Examples of hearing our own inner voice

  • Heeding the voice within

  • Feelings being a vibrational match to what’s true for us

  • Our feelings are a great guide for us

  • Ego-driven decisions vs. spirit-driven decisions

  • Start with meditation





Meditation Starters: A gift to yourself to help you develop the art of inner listening.


Mediation Books

Never miss an episode by subscribing to Health, Wealth and the Pursuit of Happiness on your favorite podcast platform: Apple, Google, Android, Spotify, RSS

Inspiration (S1EP02)


Inspiration takes many forms and shapes. It’s a universal force that every human being strives to access. Just as there are no two snowflakes alike, so it is for the inspiration that may overtake each one of us. For some it’s about choosing a particular path as you wait for your life to take on a particular shape; to find out if you are capable of fulfilling your own most cherished dreams. For others it might be as simple as chasing a curious itch or a lifelong wanting of being, doing or having. Whatever it is for you, we want to help you take a step in the direction of igniting it and then living fully into it.


What We Cover:

  • The definition and origins of the word inspiration

  • Living life from the spiritual side: What does that mean?

  • Why is living an inspired life important for all human beings?

  • How Mark and Aries each began living an inspired life. A chapter of their personal stories

  • An awareness of an evolving consciousness after wanting a change

  • Inspired living through a life planning model developed by George Kinder

  • The need for spiritual grounding after a crisis hit

  • Tools that helped moving through a period of disconnection from Spirit

  • Meditation as practice to get in touch with your spiritual self

  • Being aware when change is needed and how to deal with that

  • What’s the itch and boredom about? Being curious

  • Change, growth and risk-taking

  • The energy needed to really move through something

  • Listening to your inner being

  • The pathway to live an inspired life

  • How the unexamined life is not worth living

  • Our feelings as our barometer to determine what is right for each of us

  • Underlying themes to living an inspired life

  • Change agents and discovering who you are and why you are here

  • Looking at what inspires you and asking, “Is that a business, a project or a hobby?”

  • Exercises to reflect on your life


The Resources:

Never miss an episode by subscribing to Health, Wealth and the Pursuit of Happiness on your favorite podcast platform: Apple, Google, Android, Spotify, RSS

Intro (Start Here)


As individuals inspired to live out our best lives, we explore all topics relating to planning, building, and living your best life. You can expect some great ideas regarding best life practices and in-depth discussions about living an authentic and inspiring life.

We’ll cover topics ranging from health and wellbeing to true wealth and our relationship to money. We explore the strategies and tools that will support you in living a life in complete harmony with your mind, body, and soul.

We are passionate about this work and are committed to continue to learn, explore, and examine everything that can make a difference in our lives. And everything that we’ve learned and applied in our own lives, we pass along to you!

We hope you will join us on this journey of learning and awareness.

Never miss an episode by subscribing to Health, Wealth and the Pursuit of Happiness on your favorite podcast platform: Apple, Google, Android, Spotify, RSS