To live this idea of a more inspired life, we must start with intention. We must also understand that what truly inspires us is of Spirit. Knowing this we must develop the ability to listen to our Spirit; that voice from the depths our soul. True Vision and Big Vision emanates from this Spirit-led understanding and realization.
In this episode, Aries, sits in the advisor seat and through a role-playing exercise, takes Mark through the exploratory and vision stage of the life planning process. Using the Wheel of Life tool, he helps Mark gain greater clarity of himself and of his vision. Ultimately helping him discover who he wants to be, what he wants to do and have. Here you can observe and discover how this exploration process works and how Mark’s vision unfolds.
What We Cover:
Mark and Aries role play between the life planner and the client
How we demonstrate the use of two of our planning tools with clients
What the client experience is like going through the exploration stage
How the client can progress and evolve through the discovery process
The power of asking questions and listening with a deep focus and presence
The Wheel of Life tool providing the basis for meaningful conversation
How this meaningful conversation can lead to further clarity on the part of the client
When the client has more clarity, greater conviction and energy follow
With conviction emboldened and energy increasing, confidence is rising
With rising confidence and greater clarity, we begin seeing solutions to perceived obstacles
The topic of money and our relationship with money
Mark relates his experience if not being able to attain the dream home in his life plan and how he’s dealing with it
Through the role playing, we learn how Mark is evolving this vision for the home of his dreams through a changing perspective
Real life examples of struggle through obstacles and opening up to new possibilities
The Resources:
Best Year Ever Program by Michael Hyatt
The Number by Lee Eisenberg
The Tim Ferris Show, Episode #178: Tony Robbins on Achievement vs Fulfillment
Life Planning For You Website by the Kinder Institute
The Bonuses:
Wheel of Life Tool from Money Quotient